Friday, May 11, 2018

Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 7, the Social Background, Part 1, Language and Logic in Traditional ChinaScience and Civilisation in China: Volume 7, the Social Background, Part 1, Language and Logic in Traditional China by Christoph Harbsmeier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am not a professional historian but I've heard the famous "Science and Civilisation in China" series since many years ago. Only recently that I need to cross read some Buddhist book that I found out Volume 7's introduction to Buddhist logic. I am not sure if I can find a better introduction (Chinese Buddhist logic in particular and Indian Buddhist logic on a whole) in any book anywhere. Though one can read the Yogacarabhumisastra and its available translations/commentaries for the logic, one couldn't find a better summary than what was written in here. The standard set by the author makes me want to buy the whole book series and read them. The only regret is their lofty price (~ $250 each).

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