Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The way I see afterlife

Unlike ancient people, we live in an information explosion age. We get to know so many different religions in the world. I try to square them with my belief. I have this excerpt from 蓮池大師's 竹窗隨筆:



Basically, he is saying that the God (in Christianity sense) is the 忉利天王. From 淨土思想, we know that we have to 一心念佛 to 往生淨土. Similarly, if one has 貪嗔癡 when dying, one will easily be reborn in 三惡道. In Christianity, one has to let God be in oneself in order to enter God's realm. This is consistent with the idea of using 心力 to choose your next life. So, I guess 心力 is amazing. It will determine whether you go to 西方淨土, 東方淨土, 三善道, 三惡道, 三十三天, etc.

This is only my way of seeing it. I guess there is no proof and no credibility for many people. It all depends on one's faith, doesn't it? I have faith in 西方淨土思想 from 三經一論 and that is all I can say. I don't want to judge people by asserting/hinting where they will go after life since 心力不可思議. I don't even know mine and why I would know other's. I only have faith in mine and hopefully, my faith will cover others.

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